Case Study: University College Hospital (UCH) Solar Energy Solutions

Learn how we deployed reliable power solutions for UCH across several critical hospital operations.

UCH required a reliable and sustainable power solution to address frequent power outages that disrupted operations in key hospital departments and administrative offices. The need for continuous power was critical to ensure uninterrupted healthcare services and administrative functions.

  • Installed a 30KW solar hybrid system at the UCH Private Suites in 2007 and has maintained it ever since, ensuring consistent performance.
  • Over the last decade, SourceKing installed more than 10 units of 3.5KW solar hybrid systems across various sections of UCH, including the Chief Medical Director's Office, Accident and Emergency Unit, IT Unit, and multiple wards.
  • The installations were complemented by ongoing maintenance services, ensuring long-term reliability and operational efficiency.

The solar hybrid systems installed by SourceKing have significantly reduced UCH's dependence on the national grid and diesel generators, leading to continuous, reliable power for critical medical services and administrative operations. This long-term partnership has enhanced UCH's operational resilience and sustainability.